He wrote about the intimate details of his family life 他写到了关于他家庭生活的一些不为人知的细节。
She complained that intimate aspects of her personal life had been made public property. 她抱怨说自己私生活中的隐私都成了家喻户晓的事。
They already know the intimate details of your life 他们已经知道你生活中的小细节
B: So it seems that an intimate understanding of a worldly life and the righteousness of the superhero are the deciding factors in the popularity of these characters. B:看来,决定一个超级英雄能否被更广泛接受的主要因素,是他们易于亲近的特性和崇高的品行。
Your mind has the fantastic ability to transform your most intimate desires and wants into their physical counterparts and create brand new realities of your current life. 你的思想有一种奇特的力量,它能将你最私人的想法和需要转化为相应的实际行动并且为你当前的生活增添全新的内容。
If you had an emotional connection with your father as a child, you'll be able to enter a healthy, physically intimate relationship with a partner later in life. 如果童年时期你和父亲有情感纽带,你在以后的生活中会和伴侣成就健康、亲密的关系。
From medical problems to travel plans, your Google searches can reveal a intimate snapshot of your life. 从健康问题到旅行计划,谷歌搜索记录就是你私人生活的简介。
As social beings, family, friendships and intimate connections get many people through the ups and downs of life. 作为社会人,家庭,友谊和亲密关系得到很多人的生活的起伏波折和通过。
Now writing a history of the Grant study, Vaillant says," Warm, intimate relationships are the most important prologue to a good life. " 现在,要记录格兰特研究的历史,Vaillant说:“温暖亲密的关系是美好生活的最重要开场。”
You want to talk about government being involved in the intimate affairs of life? 你想谈一谈政府介入私人生活的问题吗?
If you're serious about making some changes either where money or your intimate life is concerned, then all you need to do is act on your intentions. 如果正在为关于经济方面或是情感关系方面做出某些相关变革而苦恼,那么,你所需要的只是倾听自己心底的声音,按照自己的真实意愿去做就好。
It is because of this intimate connection between words and life itself that we have organized this small volume in a new way. 正是因为单词和生活本身之间有紧密联系,我们用新方法编写了这本小册子。
Devoted as she was to her husband, their intimate conjugal life was something which she was more than willing to forego for a while. 一直在丈夫身边鞍前马后,现在她很想暂时放弃一下这种亲密的婚姻生活。
They are intimate depictions of RongRong and inri's private life at Liu Li Tun. 它们是对荣荣和映里在六里屯的私生活所做的深入描绘。
Every moment of the relationship does not have to be intimate& the husband and wife know that the bonding rituals will sustain the power of love when life gets busy and stressful. 婚姻关系中,并非每时每刻都要表现得那么亲密无间,夫妻两人都明白,在生活变得繁忙,充满压力的时候,这些亲密的小举措将帮助他们维持爱情的动力。
And to love life through labour is to be intimate with life's inmost secret. 在劳动中热爱生命,便是通晓了生命最深的秘密。
The ways by which people advance towards dignity and Enlightenment in government are things that constitute the deepest and most intimate processes of national life. 人们通向政治尊严及政治开明的方式,是国家生活中最深层、最私密的进程。
They are my lovers in my prime, intimate friends at my middle age, and couples at the dusk of my life. 书是我青春期的恋人,中年的知己,暮年的伴侣。
And sound analysis is impossible without intimate knowledge of life and without real understanding of the relevant contradictions. 不熟悉生活,对于所论的矛盾不真正了解,就不可能有中肯的分析。
Understand one's own shortcomings and flaws through the conflict with one's most intimate life partner can contribute positively to the development of one's characters. 透过与自己最亲密的伴侣,在冲突中了解到自己的短处与缺点,对人格的成长有正面积极的助益。
Intimate Friend and Life Idol from Different Generation& On the Literati's Xiangru Complex in Tang Dynasty 异代知音,人生偶像&浅论唐代文人的相如情结
I seek a warm intimate connection with one woman to share the journey of life with. 我寻求与一名女子温暖的密切联系,分享人生的旅途。
Then on this foundation, it analyzes the meaning of life class by interpreting the basic character of life, life implication of class and the intimate feature of life class. 在此基础上通过阐释生命的基本特性、课堂的生命意蕴、生命课堂的本质特征这三个问题,剖析了生命课堂的含义。
The Intimate Life of A. Einstein 爱因斯坦的私密生活
After has experienced the intimate understanding, Jiang Yan develops the subject of life and death, individual living and died clips on rises to the human, has highly the concise quality and philosophical. 经历了切身体会后,江淹发展了生死离别主题,将个人的生离、死别上升到人类整体的生死离别,具有高度概括性和哲理性。
By including urban area, which is previously marginal or even excluded, as a research subject, urban folklore study transforms folklore study into intimate folk study that focuses on daily life and culture. 城市民俗学的研究,把以往位于学科边缘位置甚至被排除在外的城市区域纳入到研究对象中来,使得民俗学成为研究身边、日常、随处可见的生活文化的名副其实的学科。
Barrier-free design reflects the universal respect for all members of society and full intimate care to the human life. 无障碍设计体现出对社会全体成员的普遍尊重和对人的生命全程的贴心关爱。
College students are at a crucial stage of life development, and also at the critical period seeking to establish an intimate relationship, and the quality of the intimacy has an important impact on college students 'life and learning. 大学生处于获得亲密感克服孤独感的重要阶段,亲密关系体验对大学生的学习、生活乃至一生的发展都有重要的影响。
The internet attracts the students with its open, hidden, virtual, and the main characteristics of practicality and freedom, sharing the spirit of equality and it has become their "compulsory", then the intimate contact with network has become the part of their life. 互联网以其开放性、隐蔽性、虚拟性、主体实践性的特点和自由、共享、平等的精神吸引了高校学生,上网成为他们大学生活的一个重要部分。
Firstly, it concludes that there is an intimate relationships between Uyghur social life and Bazar. 首先,巴扎与维吾尔族社会生活具有密切的联系。